My latest photos in October 2008. There is a fence ( East west hotels have put it in place) thats not too bad, it doesnt cover all the view of the lake from the road. A kalyani ( immersion tank) was created just beyond the fence for the Ganesha festival where I had seen the Lorry dumping mud. the Fence was dismantled to make way for the people and it is just a mud pond with no construction.There is activity on the far side and the old road with the temple is no longer accesssible from the main motorable road. The 'Fish Stall' has dissapeared but I noticed fishing still going on. The huts belongto the construction people, the Fisher folk have left! It is also madness to try and reach it as the entrance to the flyover near the esteem mall has no pedestrain crossing or any footpath. (It is the airport road!) Specail service road paving with no foothpath ihas been carried out to facilitate visitor parking near the entrance. The local street food is still being sold outside.